Saturday, November 27, 2010

Take Care Of Your Lips

Take Care Of Your Lips

Lips are weapons for most women, symbols of beauty and sensuality of our century. Since ancient times women have been taking care of their lips, and this tradition certainly goes on.Mimic and facial expressions are very important, especially in the female world, and lips are the main transmitters of emotions and senses. Mishal's Beauty is offering you some tips that will help you to take care of your lips and protect them.
Like our skin lips need care and protection. Being beautiful means being healthy, so the right nutrition is the first thing to consider. Fresh vegetables, fruits and water–this combination is the best natural recipe. Water is the best friend not only for your skin but also for your lips. Using much fluid will keep your lips and skin hydrated.
Lips are very vulnerable and prone to drying and chapping. Usually they become chapped because of the lack of moisture.
Apart from water you may use a balm to hydrate your lips. Weather changes also have their effects on our lips. Apply balms to protect your lips in cold winter or on hot summer days.

Lip glosses and lipsticks can also be helpful. Some lipsticks apart from giving color and aesthetic pleasure also have a treating and healing effect. Most lipsticks function as moisturizers. While looking for lipsticks choose one that is rich in vitamins and nutrients. No matter whether you use balm or lipstick apply it regularly.
The dead layers on the lips need to be removed. The best way to do that is to use a warm washcloth. A washcloth can easily be substituted by a toothbrush. This simple procedure, aimed at massaging your lips, can be practiced every day.
Very often we think that by licking lips we make them hydrated. This is definitely a misleading idea. Instead all the moisture from your lips will be removed and they will be damaged as a result.

Express Yourself With A Tattoo

Express Yourself With A Tattoo

 Each year fashion dictates its rules, and most of us have to refresh our clothes every season.
Today, tattoos and body art form a category in fashion. But unlike clothes we cannot refresh them unless we decide to remove them with the help of surgery. But why experience pain and waste money, if you can get a meaningful tattoo that will say something about you from the beginning? This way you can be fashionable, look original and keep it for the rest of your life.
Here are some ideas for tattoos, and the only thing you should do is to choose the one that describes you the best.
Bird tattoos symbolize freedom, independence and liberty. But these meanings can vary depending on the species. For instance, dove tattoos express devotion. Eagle tattoos have the meaning of strength, power and authority and are very popular today. In the US they also refer to patriotism.
Scorpions and dragons (which originated from Japanese and Chinese cultures) also have meanings of power and danger.

If you’ve set a goal for yourself or have reached it after hard work and it changed your life, a star tattoo is what you should get. A star stands for ambition, goals and aims.
A rose represents love, romance and passion. So a rose tattoo is mostly popular among women. Most flowers and plants generally represent love and respect towards nature.
Travelers usually like to depict a compass on their bodies. The compass and playing cards are believed to bring luck to the bearer.
Fingertips are very popular in the new school of tattooing. They show your uniqueness and individuality.
Sayings and names in Sanskrit or Chinese are all-time popular tatoos and are not so painful, because they usually aren’t very big.
And finally, a tattoo with the picture of your beloved one will never get old, although it requires a lot more detail and pain.
Remember, no matter what tattoo you get, make sure it has meaning. This way it will soon become part of your character.

No More Wrinkles

No More Wrinkles

In my previous post I was talking about some tips that can help you prevent wrinkles on your face. In this post I am going to introduce several skin beauty tips that help fight against wrinkles.

  • The rainbow effect. Keep to a healthy eating diet plan. For instance, make a “fruit rainbow” from oranges, apples, bananas and grapes and eat them regularly. Fruits are among the best skin care products for aging skin. Your healthy diet plan should also include raw food (which is low in calories) to keep your skin line-free, soft and smooth and to protect it from wrinkles.
  • Water. Water is a very vital element. So drink at least eight glasses of water each day to stay hydrated and to flush out toxins from the body. If the weather is very hot, you should drink more, but don’t do too much of a thing. The main point is to keep your skin hydrated to avoid wrinkle problems.
  • Soap or a cleanser? Are you still washing your face with a soap? If you do, then forget about it. Many people are still not aware that soap contains some ingredients that are not good for your skin and cause wrinkles. You can replace soap with cleansers, for instance. Just find out the right one for your skin type.
When fighting against wrinkles, you can also consider moisturizers. They are among the best anti aging skin care products that help to get rid of wrinkles. You just have to look for the best anti aging moisturizer for your skin type to keep it hydrated.

Homemade Hair Masks

Homemade Hair Masks

Homemade Strawberry Hair Mask

This luscious mix of rich acidic berries will leave your hair both conditioned and with rich gloss.


• 8 Strawberries
• 1 tbsp Mayonnaise


1. Mash eight strawberries with one tablespoon mayonnaise;
2. Massage into washed, damp hair;
3. Cover with a shower cap, then a warm towel;
4. Wash out with a shampoo/conditioner combination.

Homemade Yogurt Hair Mask

For dry, frizzed out hair, this recipe will bring back the moisture, leaving your hair silky and manageable.


• 1 egg white (natural moisturizer)
• 6 tbsp natural yogurt
• 1/4 cup mayonnaise (a great conditioner for dry hair).


1. Beat 1 egg white until foamy;
2. Add 6 tablespoons of plain natural yogurt; and mayonnaise
3. Apply to wet hair in small sections at a time;
4. Cover with plastic shower cap or plastic wrap.
5. Leave in for 30 minutes, then wash out with a mild shampoo.
6. Rinse with very cold water.
7. Use monthly to moisturize hair.

Homemade Honey & Olive Oil Hair Mask

For Extra Shiny Hair and Natural Hair Smoothers.


• 1/2 cup honey
• 3 tbsp olive oil (deep conditioner)


1. Mix 1/2 cup honey and 3 tablespoons olive oil;
2. Work a small amount at a time through hair until coated;
3. Cover hair with a shower cap;
4. Leave on 30 minutes;
5. Shampoo well and rinse.

Homemade Fruit Smoothie Hair Mask

Dry-Hair Mask : slather your hair in this rich mask to bring back its luster.


• 1/2 Banana (potassium softens hair shaft)
• 1/4 Avocado (naturally rich moisturizer)
• 1/4 Cantaloupe
• 1 tbsp Wheat germ oil
• 1 tbsp Yogurt
• 1 Vitamin E capsule (optional)
• 2 Tbsp honey (natural moisturizer)
• 3 Tbsp buttermilk (strengthens hair follicles)


1. Blend 1/2 a banana, 1/4 avocado, 1/4 cantaloupe, 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil and 1 tablespoon yogurt;
2. For extra conditioning, squeeze in the contents of a vitamin E capsule; honey, and buttermilk
3. Apply to hair from roots to tips.
4. Leave in hair for 15 minutes.
5. Rinse.
6. Use twice a month to maintain healthy hair.

Avocado Rosemary Hair Masks :


• one avocado
• fresh organic rosemary.
• Break open a vitamin E capsule
• olive (for extra dry or thick hair)
• a lighter oil (like almond or apricot)
• four drops of tea tree two drops of peppermint essential oil.
• four drops of orange essential oil
• two drops of peppermint essential oil.


1. Smash up one avocado with fresh organic rosemary.
2. Break open a vitamin E capsule and mix that in.
3. Add a splash of olive oil for extra dry or thick hair or add a splash of a lighter oil (like almond or apricot) for thinner, less dry hair. Don’t add too much oil, or you’ll get a conditioner, not a masque. The texture should be sticky and thick not runny.
4. Drop in four drops each of tea tree and orange essential oil and two drops of peppermint essential oil.
5. Apply to your hair and let it sit for 30 minutes or so. You could wear a shower cap - but I don’t believe in using them. I just clip my hair up in a twist - it works fine and never drips. Rinse out well in cool water for shiner less fizzy hair.

Cucumber & Yogurt Hair Masks :

Note: This masque is drippy, other than adding some base like flour (don’t do that) I have no idea how to thicken it up. So, you may want to take a nice bath as you let this soak into your hair.
Cucumber is also known to fight off chlorine damage well if used weekly.


• 1/2 cup organic plain yogurt
• 1/2 of an average sized peeled cucumber
• a tablespoon of honey
• a few drops of lavender essential oil
• a few drops of chamomile


1. Mix in a blender: 1/2 cup organic plain yogurt, 1/2 of an average sized peeled cucumber, a tablespoon or so of honey, a few drops of lavender essential oil, and chamomile. You have some different choices regarding the chamomile. You can chop fresh really fine, boil fresh to a reduction, or add some essential oil of chamomile. I usually have added the oil, or shopped fresh. Boiling is too much extra work.
2. Apply to your head, clip hair up and soak in the tub for 30 minutes.
3. Rinse in cool water for softer, smoother hair.

Homemade Cucumber Hair Mask

As the weather gets colder, you may find your hair becoming brittle and dull. To return the lustrous shine to your locks, use a homemade hair mask. Try this Cucumber to revive your beautiful hair this season.

• 1 egg
• 1 eggshell's worth of olive oil
• 1 quarter of a peeled cucumber


1. Blend the egg, olive oil and peeled cucumber.
2. Spread evenly through your hair, leave on for 10 minutes, then thoroughly rinse.
3. For the best results year-round, continue this treatment monthly.

Homemade Aloevera Hair Masks

Take the case of split ends in the hair, for instance. You just can’t ignore it and leave it to its fate. If left untreated, it leads to poor hair-growth and hair-loss. So make an effort to get rid of split ends with alacrity.
Aloe-vera, the natural healer is a fantastic herb; it is not just good your skin but for your hair as well. Even Cleopatra was believed to have rated it highly as a beauty therapy herb.
Aloe Gels are used to bring shine and smoothness in the hair.
Frizz Control for Curly Hair.


• 4 big leaves of aloevera
• 250 grams of coconut oil


1. Aloe leaves are thick, succulent and have a transparent pulp. Slit open the leaf and scrape out the juicy pulp.
2. Use a liquidizer and blend to make it into a smooth paste.
3. Heat coconut oil in a wok and add the aloe pulp. Keep stirring until the oil floats on the top. Strain the oil and bottle it.
4. Take two tablespoons of oil and massage it well into the scalp.
5. your way from the ends of hair to your scalp, see to it that the ends are properly nourished with oil.
6. Leave on for one hour at least.

Homemade Anti-Dandruff Hair Mask

A. Rosemary


• 1 handful Rosemary Leaves
• 1 litre water
• 2 tsp.Vinegar


1. Boil the water and soak rosemary leaves in it.
2. Let it stand for one night.
3. Strain and add vinegar to it.
4. After shampooing, wash your hair with this preparation. It treats the hair very fast.

B. Sesame Oil and Bhailavan


• 1 tbsp Sesame Oil
• 3 tbsp Bhailavan


1. Blend the two together and apply it on the head.
2. Leave it on for 2-3 hours
3. Wash it off with a shampoo in lukewarm water.

C. Ginger


• Ginger root
• 1 teaspoon sesame oil
• 1 teaspoon lemon juice


1. Squeeze ginger root through press to obtain one tablespoon of juice.
2. Mix all ingredients.
3. Apply to scalp and let dry before shampooing.
4. Repeat three times a week.

Coconut Conditioning Cuticles Mask

I still dream of the coconut oil head massages I took from old men and women in Indonesia in trade for some rupiah and a smile. Coconut keeps the dandruff away and this mask helps the kiddies avoid the mid-year lice breakout.
Coconut oil application also helps with dandruff problems too and hence much preferable to other strong medicated shampoos.


• Pressed coconut oil
• Towel that is still hot, straight from the dryer


1. Take a large chunk of coconut cream and,
2. massage it into your hair.
3. From the dryer, take out a warm towel and wrap it around your head,
4. leaving it for an hour.
5. Wash out the coconut with shampoo and a deep conditioner.


Eyelash Extensions

Having an eyelash extension procedure can improve the appearance of your eyes and create dramatic accents that need no mascara.

Permanent Eyelash Implants

What is Permanent Eyelash Implants?

Many people find that they would like to extend their eyelashes, or make them thicker and fuller. There are many techniques used in order to forward this aim. It is possible to receive semi permanent eyelash extensions, use makeup (such as mascara), or even have surgical eyelash implants. These implants amount to having new, permanent eyelashes placed on the upper eyelid. While some people really enjoy the results of this procedure, others find the thought of surgery so close to the eye and its inherent dangers too difficult to face.

Permanent eyelash implants are in reality a transplant surgery. Understand the process of eyelash implant surgery, which is done under local anesthetic. Hair, including the follicle, is removed from the back of the scalp and then transplanted into the eyelash. Generally, about 30 hair follicles are implanted into each upper lash. The whole process takes 1 to 2 hours and is done as out-patient surgery.

Eye Make Up Techniques

Eye Make Up Techniques 

Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Apply Eye Shadow

There are two basic ways to apply eye shadow in shape shading, "rounded" and "winged". Now you want to determine what is the best shading shape in your case. You can try applying one shading shape (rounded) to one eye and the other shading shape (winged) to the other eye (this would save you time). Then go look in the mirror and see which one looks best on you.

Experiment and try all the different shading. You may be surprised to find that several of them may look great on you (the rounded technique seems to look good on the majority of women).

If you don't have much room between the eyelid crease of your eye and your eyebrow then apply eye shadow using the winged shape (unless there is some sagging).

Winged Shading
Winged eye shadow technique Looks best where the skin towards the corner of the eye is not sagging such as on younger women because their skin is still firm.

Round Shading
Rounded eye shadow techniqueUse when your brow bone markedly curves around the eye and don't use the winged style because it will make any sag more obvious.

Classic Eye Shadows Application...

Rounded Eye Shadow Application
Apply eye shadow - rounded applicationApply eye shadow - rounded application
  1. Highlighter eye shadow across the eyelid, from the lash line to slightly beyond the crease, and all the way to the eyebrow.
  2. Medium shade eye shadow to the eyelid and smudge under the bottom eyelashes.
  3. Accent eye shadow in the wedge at the outer corner of the eye and blend well.
  4. Line upper and lower lashes with eyeliner pencil.

Advanced Rounded Eye Shadow Application
Apply eye shadow - Advanced rounded applicationApply eye shadow - Advanced rounded application
  1. Highlighter eye shadow across the eyelid, from the lash line to slightly beyond the crease, and all the way to the eyebrow.
  2. Mid tone eye shadow on inner corner of lid.
  3. Accent eye shadow on crease and in wedge; blend all well.
  4. Line upper and lower lashes with with eyeliner pencil.

Winged Eye Shadow Application
Winged eye shadow applicationWinged eye shadow application
  1. Highlighter eye shadow from lash line to brow.
  2. Medium shade eye shadow color on lid.
  3. Accent eye shadow in wedge at outer corner; blend well.
  4. Line upper and lower lashes with eyeliner pencil.
How to Apply Eye Shadow to Create Shape...

Now that you know the shape of the skin surrounding your eye you are ready to try to apply eye shadow in several highlight and shadow combinations to help you find the one that complements you the best. Remember that the crease of the eye is always shaded. Here are some of the choices for shading and highlighting that you can try:

* Apply eye shadow to highlight the eyelid, round the shading: Best suited for hooded eyes and older deep set eyes.
* Highlight the eyelid, wing the shading: Best suited for younger deep set eyes.
* Apply eye shadow to shade the eyelid and round the shading: Best suited for prominent lids and younger deep set eyes.
* Shade the eyelid and wing the shading: Best suited for younger deep set eyes.

Makeup Tips: Eyes

Makeup Tips: Eyes


I'm a beauty editor and yet it took me years to figure out how to apply eyeshadow that:

1. Wasn't crooked (hello, mismatched eyes!).
2. Wasn't too dark or blotchily blended (yes, I know "blotchily" is not a word).
3. Didn't extend to the wrong, wrong, wrong upper reaches of my eyelids.

After years of seeing makeup artists in action and learning numerous eyeshadow tips and tricks, here are 10 favorite eyeshadow tips I wish someone had told me twenty years ago:
Ok, well I sorta knew this, but I wasn't sure HOW TO BLEND. You use three different colors: The base, usually a very light taupe, a highlighter for the crease and a main color for the lid, but how to get them to look as if they merge into each other like the colors of a rainbow? My secret: Start light then go darker. Brush the base color to the entire eye up to the brow bone (base is the lightest color), apply the lid color (the medium color) and THEN apply the highlighter (the darkest color). Also, don't be too heavy-handed or you'll have to start over.
Extra tip: Practice makes perfect. Play with your makeup a few days before a big event.

Secret #2: Choose shadows that make the color of your eyes pop

Gone are the days when beauty experts advised against blue shadow. Matching the color of your eye with a shadow actually brings the color out (think blue shadow on blue eyes). At the same time, contrasting colors make eyes pop too (think a deep jeweled blue shadow on deep brown eyes or gorgeous golds with blue eyes). See Is It OK to Wear Blue Eyeshadow?.

Secret #3: Never apply deep color to your browbone -- unless you're doing a cover shoot for Vogue

You don't want the drama too much shadow brings. Apply shadow up to the browbone but don't apply shadow ON the bone unless it's a neutral color.